Get to know Darknaus
Our mission
The mission of Darknaus is to help walkers to understand how to manage their energy flow. This understanding comes with a respect any energy taken needs to be returned. Darknaus will also strive to enlighten individuals about the hidden world that surrounds us. That world which we catch glimpses of out of the corner of our eyes. Between these two areas of focus is a wish to also share understanding colors of the energy that surrounds us, how that energy affects us, and ways to make the shadow areas clear by lighting the way with said energy.
Our vision
Darknaus is not home to a shaman nor magic wielder. Darknaus is simply the home of a fellow journeyman who has been to edges and back. Yet the journey continues. There were triumphs and failures along the way, which have allowed Darknaus an understanding of the flow of the world around us. We feel we can help others find their way, as others have helped Darknaus.